
Dr Thomas Plume, 1630-1704 His life and legacies in Essex, Kent and Cambridge, ed. by R.A. Doe and C.C. Thornton

Published by Essex Publications an imprint of University of Hertfordshire Press, 2020. Available to purchase from bookshops, the publisher, or from the Library in person (£18.99).


Matriarchal Piety in the Seventeenth Century: Lady Barbara Hyde and Her Network of Clergy Kinsmen. by Helen Kemp

Research focusing on one of the 17thc notebooks in Plume’s manuscript collection, published by Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol 17, no.1. (2022).

Why do we need so many old books? The value of the Plume Library in the modern world by David Pearson

The 2009 Plume Lecture published in 2010 as a 22-page booklet, with twenty colour plates, ISBN 978-0-9509905-1-4. Price £5 plus £1 UK postage & packing; please contact the Library for rates to other destinations.

The Intentions of Thomas Plume by W. J. Petchey

Based on the 1981 Plume Lecture, Tercentenary edition published in 2004, ISBN 09509905 0 7. Available to download as a PDF file or price £2.50 plus £1 UK postage & packing; please contact the Library for rates to other destinations.

Catalogue of the Plume Library at Maldon, Essex compiled by S. G. Deed, M. A. with the assistance of Jane Francis.

192 pages, hardback, published 1959, limited number still available. Price £10 plus £3.40 UK postage & packing; please contact the Library for rates to other destinations. It is only possible to accept payment in GB pounds sterling. Please send a cheque with your order or, if you prefer to email your order payment can be made by Bank Transfer. Please contact the Library for account details.

Maldon, Essex, England

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